Sunday, 26 January 2014

Getting into a Good Practise Routine

Establishing a regular routine for practising your flute is essential if you want become proficient in handling and playing the instrument.
But any old sort of practice will not do, it must be the right kind of practice, otherwise you may quickly establish bad habits that will lead to very poor results, despite enthusiasm and energy. We want to avoid this sort of practice.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Looking After Your Flute

Caring properly for your flute will ensure that you always have an instrument that can just be picked up, assembled and be good to go.

A concert flute is a complex instrument, made up of many different keys and rods, all of which must be carefully balanced and adjusted.
Improper handling of a flute, or carelessness when assembling it can easily push these keys out of alignment, which in turn makes it very difficult to play your instrument.